I hope the Weave Kool Kids program stays in the community. We need more of these programs to help children stay focused in their lives and have more respect for others.
Auntie Maxine, Aboriginal Liaison Officer
Weave Youth & Community Services

Weave Youth & Community Services supports children, young people, families and communities facing complex situations with a diverse range of programs. It aims to create a strong, connected community that values its members and provides opportunities and justice for all.


How can we reduce Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander youth contact with the criminal justice system, eliminate recidivism & improve long-term outcomes?

Royal Far West

The Peer to Peer Network Pilot will co-design a peer to peer networking model to connect Learning for Life families with one another to fill gaps in support and add value to local communities, with the aim to scale it across the Smith Family’s more than 90 communities.

Where are we working?
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Weave Youth & Community Services
 are active across Australia
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What are the impact areas we aim to work within?
Community Group
Children (6-18 years)
First Nations Community
Prevention or diversion from incarceration
Impact Area
Children (6-18 years)
First Nations Community
Prevention or diversion from incarceration