Gujaga Foundation

Who are we?
It’s important our young ones grow up with a solid cultural foundation and become strong with who they are and where they belong, which will put them on the right path in achieving any goal they set in the future.
Ray Ingrey, Chairperson
Gujaga Foundation
The Gujaga Foundation is the peak organisation leading language, cultural and research activities within the La Perouse Aboriginal community. Gujaga works collaboratively with Elders, knowledge holders and leading academics to deliver Dharawal Language to early learning centres and schools, provide language and cultural advice to government and Corporate organisations and deliver authentic cultural experiences and workshops.
What are we doing?

How do we instil a strong sense of cultural identity and belonging in the children of the La Perouse Aboriginal community?

Gujaga Foundation: Preserving the language and cultural heritage of the Dharawal people of Coastal Sydney

The three key activities in the Program are:1.     Dharawal Language revitalisation;2.     Cultural workshops and experiences; and3.     Kinship and family research.Dharawal language revitalisation is the immediate focus of the Program. Dharawal was once commonly spoken from Sydney Harbour to the Shoalhaven. Without a significant initiative to preserve the language it may be lost forever.

What are the impact areas we aim to work within?
Impact Area
Thriving children
First Nations populations
Other Areas
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