The Paul Ramsay Foundation enables public requests to be submitted to take down content from our website and/or collections.
In producing our website and/or collections and making them publicly available, we recognise that despite best efforts there may be occasions when material made available
online is considered to breach copyright or other relevant law or contains information that is culturally sensitive.
If a member of the public is concerned about material on the Paul Ramsay Foundation websites and/or collections with/without permission, and/or which contravenes privacy
laws, is defamatory, or is in breach of copyright law, they can contact the Foundation in writing stating the following:
- Contact details
- Full description and details of the material
- Reason for request, including (but not limited to) copyright law, privacy laws, data protection, defamation, proof of rights to the material, etc.
Requests should be addressed to:
Head of Communications
Paul Ramsay Foundation
PO Box 282
Darlinghurst NSW 2010
The Foundation will acknowledge takedown requests in writing and will make an initial assessment of the request.
The material may be temporarily removed from the collection or website until a final decision is agreed upon.
The Foundation will make all possible efforts to resolve takedown requests quickly and to the satisfaction of both parties, with the following possible outcomes:
- Access to the material is restored unchanged
- Access to the material is restored with changes
- Access to the material is removed
- There will be regular reviews of takedown decisions. Where the circumstances of the original take-down request have changed over time, it may result in access to the
material being restored.
Take-down requests will be assessed according to the following criteria, including whether or not:
- Online access to the identified material is in breach of copyright law.
- The identified material is subject of a suppression order or other legal restriction on availability, or is subject to specific jurisdictional legislation or related exemptions.
- Online access to the identified material contravenes conditions imposed by a donor.
- The identified material is defamatory or objectionable under Australian law.
- There is a need to mitigate harm and legal liability.
- The identified material includes personal information about someone who is still alive and continued online access would cause serious invasion of privacy or harm.
- Removal of the identified material would undermine freedom of speech.
- Online access to the identified material is in breach of the protocols maintaining the right of Indigenous peoples to determine access provisions for heritage materials
which reflect their history, culture, language and perspective.